Life and Family Insurance
The products of the Life category (Individual, More Woman and More Simple) include life and personal accident insurance for personal and family protection in case of an accident or of temporary or permanent disability of the holder and/or compensation to the recipient(s) in case of death. Who is autonomous or an independent professional can opt for the Professional Clause. All insured persons have discounts at gyms, pharmacies, spas, aesthetic clinics, theaters and restaurants.
Insurance for Portable Equipments
The protection for notebook, smartphone, tablet, photographic camera and camcorder against theft, electrical damage, fire, lightning and explosion and impact of vehicles and of aircraft in the national territory or abroad. The contracting of this insurance includes services of help desk by phone for support and maintenance of Windows and Apple systems and for the installation of genuine software.
Travel Insurance
Travel provides unforgettable memories, but unexpected events can always happen, such as accidents, lost luggage, trip cancellation or interruption. For these cases, the insured person has 24-hour services such as medical and dental care, inter-hospital transfer and removing, among others. Who contracts the insurance has a concierge service tailored to meet your preferences for entertainment and leisure in the places you will visit.
Credit Card
The Porto Seguro Credit Cards can be used for purchases at thousands of establishments in Brazil and abroad and also on the Internet. All of the expenses are converted into points in the Relationship Program, which can be exchanged for products such as leisure and travel and airline miles, for Central Convenience services and for discounts in the insurance and in the franchise of your car.
Credit and Financing
Financing of a new or semi-new vehicle or personal credit for individuals – with a guarantee of a semi-new car paid off. Corporations can get a special line for loan payroll to employees, with a discount from the parcels of the payroll, and also working capital. Competitive rates and deadlines of 60 months to pay.
Individual private providence plans, to complement retirement, and, infantile, to provide a better future for minors, like a child, a grandchild and a godchild. The holder may opt for PGBL or VGBL, according to his way of declaring income tax. Both plans offer benefits and discounts in cultural events.
Founded in 1996, the Porto Seguro Investments is one of the largest independent managers of Brazil. Specializing in asset management and financial advice and acting in the segments of institutional, private and retail investors, it is based on the best market practices and adopts clear processes and internal controls which are strict in the pursuit of generating values above the market average, focusing on capital preservation.